#lilla lisa
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mote-historie · 10 months ago
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Einar Nerman (Swedish, 1888-1983), "Mörkrädd", "H.C. Andersen, Lilla Lisa". Flicka i leksandsdräkt i skog med levande skräckinjagande träd (Afraid of Darkness, H.C. Andersen, Little Lisa. Girl in play sand suit in forest with living scary trees), 1951.
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 1 year ago
Jag minns när Lisa Ajax var med i Lilla Melodifestivalen typ 2012 och nu är hon här gravid
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houseofcatwic · 1 year ago
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Lisa Larson katter Lilla Zoo. Designed in 1955. Produced in 1956-1978.
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lollo-sw-br · 2 years ago
Super Wings MBTI in Guardians SW AU!
In AU I changed some MBTIs from Super Wings.
💚: Same as PDB 💙: Different from PDB 💜: Not disclosed in PDB
I'll make a contrast with your guardians, updating an old post, One of the letters (Ex: INTP) will be opposite (Ex: INTJ)
Super Wings (present in the original series)
Jett: ENFP 💙 (Liah: ENFJ)
Donnie: ISFP 💚 (Lonnie: ISTP)
Dizzy: ISFJ 💚 (Lizzy: INFJ)
Jerome: ESFP 💙 (Leonie: ENFP)
Paul: ISTJ 💚 (Lolla: ISFJ)
Mira: ISFP 💚 (Lyra: ESFP)
Bello: INTJ 💚 (Lilla: INFJ)
Grand Albert: INTP 💚 (Lollo: INFP/ Lailla: INTJ)
Ellie: ENTP 💜 (Lesllie: ENFP)
Narae: INTP 💜 (Larah: INFP)
Astra: INFJ 💚 (Lua: INTJ)
Astro: ENTP 💚 (Luna: ESTP)
Chase: ESTP 💚 (Lacey: ISTP)
Todd: ISTP 💚 (Loddie: ISFP)
Flip: ENFP 💚 (Lippie: ENTP)
Crystal: ESFJ 💙 (Louise: ENFJ)
Bucky: ENTP 💙 (Lucky: ENTJ)
Leo: ISFJ 💚 (Leiah: ISFP)
Sunny: ISFP 💚 (Lightie: INFP)
Tino: ISTP 💚 (Lina: ISFP)
Tony: ENTP 💜 (Leyna: ENFP)
Lime: INFJ 💜 (Lima: ISFJ)
Thunder: INTP 💜 (Lerin: INFP)
Jerry: ESFP 💜 (Lerrie: ISFP)
Arome: ESFJ 💜 (Lora: ENFJ)
Sylphie: ISFP 💜 (Lilse: INFP)
Shine: ISTJ 💜 (Lisa: ISFJ)
World Aircraft members:
Roy: INFP 💙 (Lori: INFJ)
Ray: ISFJ 💜 (Lari: ISFP)
Sammy: ESFJ 💜 (Laurie: ISFJ)
BigWing: ISFJ 💙 (Lucie: ISFP)
Human Team:
Jimbo: ESFJ 💚 (Lilith: ENFJ)
Sky: ENFJ 💚 (Liz: ENTJ)
Storm: ENTP 💚 (Lin: ENFP)
Jasmin: INFJ 💜 (Leiri: ISFJ)
Mission Teams:
Zoey: ISFJ 💙 (Luphie: INFJ)
Sparky: ESFJ 💚 (Luz: ISFJ)
Scoop: INFP 💙 (Loopy: ISFP)
Remi: ISTJ 💚 (Lemi: INTJ)
Poppa Wheels: INTJ 💚 (Lydia: INFJ)
Kim: ENFP 💚 (Likkie: ESFP)
Badge: ENFJ 💚 (Ladja: ENTJ)
Swampy: ISFP 💚 (Lunnie: ISFJ)
Willy: INFJ 💙 (Lilly: INFP)
Rover: INFP 💙 (Livie INTP)
Marc: ISFJ 💜 (Linda: ESFJ)
Golden Boy: ESTP 💚 (Leanorie: ESTJ)
Golden Wheels: ISFJ 💜 (Lonally: ISTJ)
Mambo: ENTJ 💜 (Laginie: ENTP)
Phantom: INTJ 💜 (Letally: ENTJ)
Super Wings (Hall of Fame)
Dash: ENFJ 💜 (Lexie: ENFP)
Long: ISFJ 💜 (Lomi: INFJ)
Zyon: ENFP 💜 (Luthie: ENFJ)
Otto: ISTP 💜 (Lifya: ISFP)
Aron: ESTP 💜 (Lyric: ESFP)
Jane: INTJ 💜 (Linnie: ENTJ)
Alfred: INFJ 💜 (Lahiee: INTJ)
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idagnyheter · 4 months ago
Finns det verkligen ingen annan i hela landet som vill köpa ett ruckel? undrar Lisa Magnusson
En avskrift från idag nyheter, 2024-11-13 19:31 Artikelns ursprungsadress: Det är samma lilla grupp människor som cirkulerar i varenda SVT-produktion. Om du redan är prenumerant, logga in för att fortsätta läsa. Logga in Läs gratis fram till 28 februari 2025! Du får tillgång till alla artiklar på idag nyheter och i DN-appen. Läs gratis fram till den 28 februari 2025, därefter för halva priset…
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percontaion-points · 5 months ago
KLO chapters 5 & 6
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Click here for the rest of the series!
Chapter 5
After the Mariah Carey highly embarrassing dance episode, I planned on never returning to Valentine’s Grocery for the remainder of my humble existence. 
Unfortunately, Adam happens to favor their store brand ice cream. He’s been bugging me for three weeks. Three weeks. 
Today, he finally broke this horse. 
I’m sorry, but what exactly is stopping this man from going to get his own ice cream?
The corner of his mouth lifts. My knees aren’t faring so well. He notices my hesitation, picking up the phone behind him by the register, he presses a button.
 “Attention customers, we are featuring a special in the frozen food section. With every purchase you make today, Mariah Carey will dance for you.”
He was complaining that he’d get fired if the customers pawed through the produce… yet then he makes this whole-ass announcement when he sees Lilla next. 
“Your cookies are no doubt melted.”
They’re Thin Mints, not ice cream. Exactly how hot was your car that it melted them into goo?
“My father owns this place.”
“You don’t like working for your family?”
Yes actually! I want to spend the rest of my life sorting produce and explaining to Karens that their coupon expired 3 years ago. 
“Can you go tonight? Or do you have to hurry home to hear your husband ridicule that basil plant?”
To be honest, I’m not quite sure that Adam would notice if a basil plant suddenly appeared on the kitchen windowsill. 
“I invited you to the park on that premise,” he says, before tucking the music back into his ear. I’m not looked at or acknowledged again as he goes back to work, lining up all the herb plants for display.
Chapter 5 summary: Lilla is determined to never go back to the store (which is in another town anyway, so it’s not really that big of a problem). But Adam starts nagging her about buying the ice cream brand from the store, so she eventually breaks down and goes to get some. 
As she’s checking out, Cash embarrasses her by making a store-wide announcement about dancing in the aisles. He then tells her that he has the Thin Mints that she’d purchased before walking into the store. They go out to his car to get them, and they start making the most awkward small talk. He invites her to come to some park where he likes to hang out when he isn’t working. Lilla says her husband is hardly the kind of man who simply hangs out at parks… that he isn’t romantic.
Later, Lilla goes back to the store to do her usual shopping. She runs into Cash again, and she basically unloads how terrible her husband is. That she’s always wanted a garden, but Adam thinks that it’s a waste of money. That she’d simply kill it all anyway. Cash doesn’t know why she’s so nice to somebody who’s so terrible to her, and wonders what she’d do for somebody who was actually nice to her. However, Lilla says that somebody would have to be nice to her first. 
Chapter 6
I glance over my shoulder. His face is staring at my back. I feel my hair move. He plays with a section of it. The tips. Slowly winding it around his long finger, then letting go to repeat again and again. 
Kind of an odd thing to do to a woman that you barely know. Whom you know is married.
Even glancing at the cover tells everybody that this is an affair novel. But at the same time… Why are we rushing into things? 
We can either have a woman having a passionate fling with some random guy she met. Or we can have a slow-burn romance. This story seems pretty incompatible with having both. 
“Hey there, I happen to be fond and in need of those billboards. Advertising is sort of my shtick. Well, it used to be anyhow, before the economy took a dive.”
“I dubbed a hamburger a bimbo, for a ‘Mom & Pop’ diner in Blossom. That is not exactly a Mona Lisa.”
Wait wait wait… Come back here and explain why a hamburger is a “bimbo”! How dare you drop this and not explain what this means!
Cash walks us over to the edge of the lake. The water is perfectly still, a mirror to the sky above. He tugs on his shirt, pulling it over his head. It’s cast aside, to the grass. One shoe. Two shoes. I swallow as his fingers unfasten the button of his pants. He strips down to his underwear and I look towards the lake.
In a fucking public park? Have you fucking seen the water in those parks? 
“Wherever you take me, Cash.”
Chapter 6 summary: Lilla later meets Cash at the park he’d mentioned. And I feel like I missed an entire chapter… One where she tells him that she hates her husband and wants to have a passion-filled affair with a stranger. Because he’s being awfully forward for no real reason. Especially knowing full-well that she is married. Like dude… learn some fucking boundaries. 
Anyway, he talks some about how much he fucking hates working for the grocery store. Lilla talks about what her job had been, but that… The implication that there’s no more need for advertising anymore is kind of odd, I’m not going to lie. 
Cash then walks over to the lake and strips down to his underwear. Lilla eventually does the same thing, but I don’t think that they actually get into the water. Instead, they stand on the bank and Cash asks her where she’d go if she could go anywhere. She talks some about Adam being angry about the ice cream, but eventually agrees to go wherever Cash goes. 
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micro961 · 5 months ago
Beatrice Campagna - Il nuovo cortometraggio “Coming Out”
La regista lascia immergere il pubblico nei ricordi di una storia d’amore e separazione
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Il cortometraggio “Coming Out” della regista Beatrice Campagna, è stato proiettato alla VI Edizione dell’Aprilia Film Festival di Roma tenutosi il 21 e il 22 settembre 2024, vincendo il “Premio del pubblico Sabato” (https://cinecittanews.it/aprilia-film-festival-tutti-i-vincitori/). La produzione del corto è stata curata da Duende Film, una realtà del panorama cinematografico indipendente, che ha costruito solide collaborazioni con registi, attori e sceneggiatori di talento, arricchendo il proprio patrimonio creativo. Ogni progetto portato avanti è frutto di una combinazione unica di esperienza, innovazione e dedizione: l’obiettivo di Duende Film è quello di restituire forza comunicativa e ispirazione, partendo da un’esigenza espressiva. Le storie trattate hanno una loro identità e si propongono come esperienze uniche da ricordare per il pubblico.  La distribuzione è nelle mani di Associak, una casa di distribuzione cinematografica indipendente nata nel 2012 ed impegnata nella diffusione artistica e commerciale di lungometraggi, documentari e cortometraggi nei principali festival nazionali.
“Coming Out”, oltre ad essere il titolo del corto, è anche il primo locale gay di Roma, dove sono state effettuate le riprese, situato davanti al Colosseo. In questo luogo, fervono i preparativi per uno degli eventi più importanti dell’anno: il Pride, la parata che termina la sua corsa nella stessa via del locale, San Giovanni in Laterano. Lisa, una donna di 38 anni, ha fondato e gestisce il “Coming Out” da più di vent’anni ma, quest’anno, per lei, si respira un’aria diversa. Per la prima volta, infatti, non trascorrerà questo giorno con la compagna Gaia e il loro bambino. La separazione è ancora fresca, la loro storia andava avanti sin da quando erano adolescenti e i nuovi equilibri familiari si stanno ancora formando. Lisa continua ad organizzare i preparativi, riflettendo sul passato e mischiando i propri ricordi con i suoni e i colori del Pride (in questa sequenza, si evidenziano anche le riprese ad Anguillara). La storia narrata lascia immergere il pubblico in una dimensione intima e personale, trattando tematiche di estrema attualità con una sensibilità nuova e un punto di vista originale e autentico.
Guarda il trailer
Le attrici che hanno partecipato sono Anna Malvaso e Lara Balbo, rispettivamente nei ruoli di Lisa e Gaia; Elena Giuliano e Anna Chiara Gabriele, invece, hanno interpretato le due donne da adolescenti. Giulio Loreti Scarnera ha avuto il ruolo di Giulio, mentre Giovanni Cipolletta e Alex Croitor hanno recitato nei panni di Luca e Matteo. Gli altri camerieri del locale sono stati interpretati da Luigi Nicolas Martini e Alessandro Di Felice. Il produttore esecutivo del cortometraggio è Stefano Bacchiocchi, mentre i direttori della fotografia e delle musiche sono rispettivamente Roberto Gigliotti e Lilla Fiori. Il montaggio è stato curato dalla stessa regista Beatrice Campagna.
Storia della regista
Beatrice Campagna è nata a Roma nel 1989. Da sempre appassionata di cinema e teatro, dopo il liceo classico ha frequentato il DAMS di Roma Tre, oltre a diversi corsi più specifici (sceneggiatura, montaggio, regia). Sui set di film, videoclip, spot e cortometraggi ha ricoperto con continuità, per oltre dieci anni, i ruoli di segretaria di produzione, coordinatrice di produzione, assistente casting, assistente alla regia e aiuto regia. Tra le molte, ha lavorato per la Wildside e la Lotus Production.
Per quest’ultima, ha seguito la fase di sviluppo dei progetti; ha collaborato stabilmente con la società Agidi, seguendo la produzione di film e spettacoli teatrali (principalmente del trio “Aldo Giovanni e Giacomo”). Durante gli anni di impegno sul set, ha sempre continuato a scrivere per il cinema e per il teatro, lavoro che ormai svolge a tempo pieno. Oltre a diverse regie teatrali, ha realizzato nel 2020 la co-regia con Simone Miccinilli di una serie web “Fregene 37.1”, degli Actual; nel 2023 scrive per il cinema, firmando la sceneggiatura dei film a episodi "I migliori giorni" e "I peggiori giorni", per la regia di Massimiliano Bruno e Edoardo Leo, prodotti da IIF. Contemporaneamente, scrive e dirige per diverse aziende spot per il web e videoclip per artisti emergenti.
Nel 2024 è coinvolta da Istituto Luce nella scrittura del progetto "100 anni di Luce", che verrà proiettato alla 19esima edizione della Festa del Cinema di Roma. “Il Grande Méliès” (2022) è il suo primo cortometraggio da regista, vincitore di oltre trenta premi in Italia e all'estero, acquistato poi dalla piattaforma Mediaset Infinity+. "Coming Out", distribuito nei festival dal 2024, è il secondo corto che dirige.
Beatrice Campagna
Duende Film
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queenslandrail · 8 months ago
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reunited with my beautiful creature daughter lilla lisa and she gives me indescribable feelings
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antmranking · 1 year ago
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2. Christien
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3. Anna-Lena
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4. Florence
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5. Simone
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6. Amira
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7. Marie-Luise
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8. Concetta
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9. Paulina
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10. Lisa
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11. Jana
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12. Lilla
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13. Joana
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14. Natascha
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15. Jil
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16. Sihe
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17. Amelie
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18. Ivon
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19. Aleksandra
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20. Chiara
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21. Franziska
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22. Valerie
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23. Sarah
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24. Rebecca
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25. Tahnee
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iirulancorrino · 2 years ago
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Best books I’ve read this year: end of year edition
I read a lot of great books this year so it’s really hard to narrow down my favorites, but here are some I read during the past six months that I most enjoyed. (You can read part one here).
Best new releases: fiction
Not a ton of novels I loved but I thought Afghan American author Jamil Jan Kochai’s short story collection The Haunting of Hajji Hotak was absolutely stellar.
Honorable mentions: Flight by Lynn Steger Strong and Small Game by Blair Braverman.
Best new releases: nonfiction
Partisans by Nicole Hemmer - argues convincingly that Trump was the natural evolution of decades of reactionary GOP politics, not an abberration.
Ducks by Kate Beaton - amazing graphic memoir by the Hark, A Vagrant writer about working in the Alberta oil sands to pay off her student debt. An incredible portrait both of what it’s like growing up working class in a small town and the sacrifices that entails and the trauma of being one of the few women in a very harsh working environment.
Strangers to Ourselves by Rachel Aviv - fascinating series of vignettes by one of my favorite New Yorker writers exploring different people’s perceptions of mental illness and how we can become trapped in our own narratives.
By Hands Now Known: Jim Crow’s Legal Executioners by Margaret A. Burnham - this was hard to stomach because of the depth of cruelty it described but is well worth reading to understand just how all-encompassing a reign of terror Jim Crow was for black Southerners.
Getting Me Cheap: How Low Wage Work Traps Women and Girls in Poverty by Amanda Freeman and Lisa Dodson - Damning Indictment of how this country treats poor people and how women and girls, particularly single mothers, bear the worst burden.
We Need to Build: Field Notes for a Diverse Democracy by Eboo Patel - I would get every left-of-center person to read this if I could.
Honorable mentions: His Name Is George Floyd by Robert Samuels and Toluse Olorunnipa and Bad Jews by Emily Tamkin.
Best fiction (non new)
I ended up reading a lot of fiction by 20th century European authors, and particularly loved The Radetzky March by Joseph Roth, The Post-Office Girl by Stefan Zweig, Everything Flows by Vassily Grossman and The Years by Annie Ernaux. Reading these felt like getting a little tour of the century, particularly of how radically modern Europe was shaped by WWI and WWII.
Boy Parts by Eliza Clark and In a Lonely Place by Dorothy Hughes were my two other favorites, and are of a pair in that they’re refreshing (despite being over 60 years old in one case) takes by woman writers on a specific style of novel and make incredible use of an unreliable narrator.
Best nonfiction (non new)
I continued to read a lot of nonfiction about abortion and most appreciated The Girls Who Went Away by Ann Fessler, which details the human cost of the “baby scoop” era and Beggars and Choosers by Rickie Solinger, which criticizes the shift from rights to choice-based language in discussions of reproductive politics.
I also really enjoyed Mark Lilla’s The Shipwrecked Mind about reactionary politics, which honestly felt like a better version of The Decadent Society and Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning by Cathy Park Hong, which was written before the pandemic and felt extremely prescient about a lot of the discourse of the past few years.
Best poetry
I didn’t read a ton of poetry that really grabbed me but I enjoyed Sherry Shenoda’s The Mummy Eaters, which explores the author’s Coptic Egyptian heritage. From previous years, I enjoyed Philip Metres’ Shrapnel Maps and Richie Hofmann’s Second Empire.
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thelastmixedtape · 5 years ago
TLMT's The Week featuring the Wha, Elkin, Mango X Mathman ft. Lisa Hannigan, Lilla Vargen, Sive & Happyalone
TLMT's The Week featuring .@TheRealWha, @ELKINband @MangoXMathMan ft. @LisaHannigan, @lillavargen @SiveMusic & @HAPPYALONE777
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TLMT adds to its Irish Mixed-Tape on Spotify with new music by the Wha, Elkin, Mango X Mathman ft. Lisa Hannigan, Lilla Vargen, Sive & Happyalone.
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The Wha – 40 Odd Years A full-on indie gem in the making, the continued evolution of the Wha finds the band releasing the jangled bang and clatter of ’40 Odd Years’, a track brimming to the top with interlocking sharp-edged guitars and laissez-faire…
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 1 year ago
När jag tänker Lisa Ajax tänker jag när hon var med i Lilla Melodifestivalen en gång och nu saknar jag lilla mello och jag tycker de borde ha en medley med ikoniska lilla mello låtar
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babolat85 · 3 years ago
Male - It is all the male hairs. With the exception of the Prom 2019 Collection. (Ez, Ezriah, The Twin Set, Minho, Alex, Ezekiel, Jimmy, Etta, Bobby, & Kent)

Kids & Tots - It Is all of them (Milla, Kids & Tots Collab, Jin, Leia, Mai, Minho, Ella, Mia, Lisa, Etta, Willa, Lilla, & Ina Pigtails)
Female - (The Twin Set, Irma, Mari, Pippi, Matilda, Leia,  Opala, Iris, Samantha, Iluna, Alice, Ezekiel, Jin, Sul, Keahi, Kawela, Mai, Breezy, Lily, Ella, Jimmy, Mia, Minnie, Marigold, Etta, Lisa, Bobby, Bibi, Bebe, Jackie, Jacqualine, Emerald, Rapunzel, Molly, Mal, Milly, Galaxy, Nebula, Eevee, & Olivia
TYSM If You can't do it bc it's too much I understand.
Oh boy that’s a lot, I’ll take a look but it will probably will take the rest of the week before I can finish it
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lollo-sw-br · 2 years ago
Guardians Super Wings Clans and their Colors
In Guardians Super Wings the 7 Main Guardian Clans (Outside the Kim-il clan) are represented by colors that differentiate them and are the colors that most Super Wings that are protected have
Eui-gi Clan:
A recent clan, represented by the color red, has no branches or pillars
The palace is connected to the multi-sports gymnasium that belongs to the clan's grounds and the World Palace.
Formed by Liah Eui-gi (clan leader) and Lippie Eui-gi, the youngest and youngest member.
This clan is characteristic of the sport, the members of this clan are those who love to play sports and use it to help Guardians stay healthy and active.
The Eui-gi clan has parental ties to the Chae-Won clan: Being the Empress Liah and Lippie's rightful aunt
Mi-rae Clan:
Represented by the color yellow, firming by two branches being the main one composed by Lonnie Mi-rae (clan leader), Lua and Luna Mi-rae, Loddie Mi-rae and Lee Mi-rae
the secondary branch formed by: Lydia Mi-rae, Loopy Mi-rae, Lemi Mi-rae and Lívia Mi-rae. One of the largest clans in WingsView responsible for science, construction and technology. Many of the changes in the realm were from the Mi-rae clan who always want to innovate.
The clan has two pillars: the pillar of construction and the pillar of science. The construction pillar is led by Lonnie and formed by Loddie, Lydia, Lee, Loopy and Lemi.The science pillar is led by Lua and formed by Luna and Lívia
The Mi-rae palace is close to the Astronomy tower, the Repair Team's workshop and Loddie's excavator
The Mi-rse clan has parental ties to the Ji-Hye clan with the main family members being legitimate cousins.
Eun-Kwan Clan:
Represented by the color pink, it has two branches, the main and the secondary, the clan has no pillars.
The main branch consists of Lizzy Eun-Kwan (Clan Leader), Louise Eun-Kwan, Lima Eun-Kwan and Lisa Eun-Kwan. The secondary branch is formed by Luphie Eun-Kwan, Lana Eun-Kwan and Linda Eun-Kwan.
This clan is characterized by health, its members are specialists in caring for people, whether rescuing them or providing measured treatments and care.
His palace is in the WingsView mountain range and next to the hospital that belongs to the clan.
Ji-Hye Clan:
Represented by the color white, It has two branches (main and secondary) and three more pillars: the pillar of Wisdom, the pillar of justice and the pillar of art. Members belong to more than one pillar.
Its members from the main branch are: Lollo and Lolla Ji-Hye (clan leaders), Leonnie Ji-Hye, Larah Ji-Hye and Lesllie Ji-Hye. The secondary branch is formed by: Likkie Ji-Hye, Ladja Ji-Hye, Lora Ji-Hye and Lerrie Ji-Hye
The Pillar of Wisdom is led by Lollo and its members are Larah and Lesllie (Lolla and Lora are honorary members). The Pillar of Justice is led by Lolla and consists of Likkie and Ladja (Lollo is an honorary member) . The Pillar of Art is led by Leonnie and its members are Lora and Lerrie (Lollo, Lolla Likkie and Ladja are honorary members).
His palace is close to the clan's Royal Library, WingsView Police Station and art gallery .
Its members are characterized by three requirements: they are very smart, artistic and fair always ready to share knowledge, Deise everything in order and within the law, and help with shows and artistic presentations
The Ji-Hye Clan has ties to the Mi-rae Clan with both being cousins ​​between the main families.
Hae-Won Clan:
Represented by the color green, It has no branches but it has two pillars the pillar of nature and the pillar of music
Its members are: Lina Hae-Won (Clan Leader), Lira Hae-Won, Lilla Hae-Won, Lucky Hae-Won and Light Hae-Won
Members of this clan are those who preserve and care for nature, music, the sea and animals
One note: some members of this clan belong to more than one pillar.
The Pillar of Nature is led by Lina and is formed by Lira, Lilla and Lucky
His palace is located on a small island a little far from the center of WingsView, with the lower part in the sea and the upper part on the surface.
Bo-ra Clan
Represented by the color purple, it has no branches or pillars.
Formed by Lacey Bo-ra (Clan Leader), Lori and Lari Bo-ra and Leia and Leina Bo-ra
Members of this clan are known for breaking paradigms and stereotypes created by society. Being a different clan and united in their way of working in WingsView. Showing that there are no barriers and limits to your dreams, even if hope is minimal, with effort and dedication we get what we want.
His palace is mobile and does not have a fixed place, being able to adapt to any type of situation.
Chae-Won Clan
Represented by the light blue color, it has two branches (main and secondary) and two pillars, the Communication Pillar and the Travel Pillar.
Members of this clan are Lilith Chae-Won (Empress of WingsView and leader of the clan), Liz and Lin Chae-Won, Licie Chae-Won, Lais Chae-Won, Leddie Chae-Won and Luhan Chae-Won. The pillar of communication is led by Lilith and its members are Liz and Lin.Travel Pilar, on the other hand, is led by Lícia and its member is Lais, Leddie and Luhan
The clan is known as the noble clan, because its members have royal blood and heirs to all WingsView, having full control of the kingdom's Wingenergy reservoir and are responsible for protecting the peoples, coordinating entrances and exits into the realm, and integrating the realm with the rest of the world .
Fake Clan: Kim-il Clan
Fake clan, represented by the color gold, does not have branches on pillars
Its members are: Letally Kim-il (clan leader), Leonor Kim-il and Lonally Kim-il
Renegade clan, its members are non-guardians, who want to get revenge on the Guardians, making mischief and pranks.
Its objects are copies of the ability of Guardians including the Eui-gi, Chae-Won and Mi-rae families
This clan does not have a palace, but a lighthouse that works as a hideout well away from the surroundings of WingsView Where through the periscope who watches all Guardians and copies everything they have to use against them
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dagenssvenska · 4 years ago
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Lilla lata Lisa lider lindrigt Little lazy Lisa suffers mildly
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bp-costella · 5 years ago
Stella’s Relationships In BlackPink
Together, they are chaotic. They both have a little bit of 4D personality in them, and they both are kinda weird. However, them being the oldests, they also can be very ‘old married couple’ with each other. They are the second most shipped Stella ship.
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Together, they are a power couple. They are the baddest bitches in the room. They look like the rich parents going to drop their kid off at daycare and then go drink on a billion dollar yacht. But both of their personalities are cute, so they also have a lot of cute moments. They are the fourth most shipped Stella ship.
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This is the SHIT! They are so cute for each other and have such good chemistry. They have known each other since before they auditioned for YG, because they met when Stella was on holiday in Australia. They know everything about each other and they love each other to death. They are the number one most shipped Stella ship
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DANCING QUEENS!!! They pair really well together, and as soon as the met, they hit it off. They love having fun, and they love taking care of each other. They even do dance videos with each other on Lisa’s channel. They are the third most shipped Stella ship.
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